Hi there & welcome to TAG! The Accountability Group is for people who want to be accountable to God. The 1 true God - God the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. God of the Holy Scriptures - who wants us to follow the Holy Bible. God of all things, Father of Jesus Christ, God's spirit is the Holy Spirit - yes that God is my God if that's your God that you serve then TAG is for You! Do you remember playing the game tag as a child? Do you ever feel like you're being tagged in life? Have your God-given dreams been tested to the point it's hard to get done? Well if you can say yes to any of these questions then, TAG is for you! God has TAG you to be accountable for His word and to share it with others so that they may be accountable and learn accountability from being here in The Accountability Group: TAG - God is it and wants you to do His will! Here's my example for joining TAG - If you're this, but you're trying to become that: This That I was a sinner Now, I am a saint I was a community teacher Now, I'm a CTE Business Teacher in the school system I was renting an apartment Now, I am a homeowner I was a writer who didn't publish Now, I'm a published author What is your example of what you need to be held accountable for? The flow of TAG: We will meet twice a month for 15-45 mins per session. The first meeting will take place on the first Sunday at 8pm for a 45 minute session. The next meeting times will take place on the third Sunday at 8pm for 15 minutes as a check-in session. We will also have a private group to share your updates, gain encouragement, and to keep you aware of the upcoming events. You will receive a TAG request to join our private group. With love, Carrianne
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app